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Beer Tubes Promotions
The following is a sample list of Beer Tube promotional ideas that are recommended to bars and restaurants
to help them leverage Beer Tubes for increased traffic and sales.
24 Wings and a Tube of Beer ­ Order 24 wings and a Tube of beer at a discounted price. Great for large
groups, league teams, etc. Another option is to offer a discount on Beer Tubes when ordering any number of
wings as a "Hot Wings and Cold Beer" promotion ­ this can be modified to work with any appetizer.
Game Time is Tube Time ­ Tube specials during all games (football, basketball, etc.). Each individual bar or
restaurant can also choose to implement a policy by which guests can reserve the tube for next week's game,
race, etc. (drives repeat business). Also works well for in-bar trivia games and karaoke nights to attract groups.
Add-a-Tube Option on the Menu ­ When ordering food (or specific group oriented food items) guests can
add a Tube at a discounted price. This can also be used with soft drinks, making it a nice option for families and
Tubin' Tuesdays ­ Beer Tube specials every Tuesday. Save "Tue" dollars on every Tube purchase and
incorporate a contest or giveaway into the promotion. Other traditionally slow days can utilize this or similar
concepts to generate more traffic.
Promotional Events ­ Utilize Beer Tubes at off-premise gatherings such as charity events, festivals, golf
outings, etc. Beer Tubes can also be added to a catering menu. And donating a Tube to a local charitable event
(i.e. golf outing, poker run, etc.) is a cost-effective way to promote your business in the community.
Advertising ­ Use Tubes in promotional activities (i.e. outside the bar signage, point-of-sales signage, print/
radio advertising, etc.) for something to "hang your hat on" for an advertising message. Bars can be known as
the "Beer Tube bar" in the area and gain a competitive advantage in the market. Beer Tubes also make great
visuals for table tents, on-premise posters, etc.
"Draft" Parties ­ Utilize Beer Tubes as part of a promotional campaign targeting sport fantasy league draft
parties. Include the Tubes in a package that features food, reserved table space, free Wi-Fi, etc. These
parties will also provide an opportunity to promote Game Time specials to interested viewers.
Bar Holidays ­ Cinco de Mayo (a "Tube Fiesta"), St. Patrick's Day ("Tubes O' Green"), or even seasonal draft
beer selections ­ all are great opportunities to promote Beer Tubes and sell more draft. This can work
especially well with craft and/or specialty brews.
Bowling League Nights ­ Align Beer Tubes with your leagues by offering Tube specials for players. League
players and teams get a discount while they are bowling in their league as a "value added bonus" for
participating. League winners or leaders could get even better discounts as incentives or prizes. If you are
not a Bowling Center but can develop a relationship with a Bowling Center, this will work as well.