St. Patrick’s Day = Green Beer Tubes
We know all you bar owners and operators are gearing up for St. Patrick’s Day. I am sure you are all wondering what you can do to turn your Beer Tubes into a profit driving machines this holiday so we decided to pull out an old post to help you out. This post touches on the importance of getting into the festivities with green beer and how to clean your tubes afterward. We hope you find this post helpful. Good luck on one of the biggest bar days of the year!
It’s a little over a week away. And if you’re a serious player in the bar/restaurant world (and because you’re reading the Beer Tubes blog, we know you are), you know what we’re talking about. If you still aren’t sure what we’re talking about, then you’d better get used to March 17 being a big day at your establishment. St. Patrick’s Day brings out the best (and, unfortunately, sometimes the worst) in partygoers around the country. Our draft beer dispensers are very popular on St. Patrick’s Day due to their attention-grabbing looks, large capacity, and ability to keep the beer cold.

Nice Tube!
One way to enhance the customer experience at your St. Patrick’s Day party is to simply add a little food coloring to your draft beer to produce a 3-foot tall draft tower of green beer. This will surely turn some heads and get everyone excited to join the party. We call it The Beer Tubes Experience–and St. Patrick’s Day is a great time to test it out for yourself.
And as part of our ongoing goal of educating our customers about the proper cleaning procedures to keep their Beer Tubes looking (and the beer tasting) great, we remind you that adding green beer to these beer towers WILL NOT affect the color of the tube. Our commercial quality Eastman Tritan material will still look great after a long day (or week!) of green suds.
So as you gear up for the big weekend, please remind your customers that Beer Tubes should be enjoyed responsibly. And although we can’t make it to all the parties this weekend, we would appreciate photos of the Tubes (especially the green ones) in action. Just email your pictures to or post them on our Facebook page. We appreciate you sharing your love of the tube.
The Beer Tubes Guys
bar promotion ideas
bar promotions
bar promotions that work
beer sales
Beer Tower
Beer Tube
beer tubes
best bar promotions
beverage dispenser
draft beer
draft beer promotions
food coloring
green beer
holiday cleaning
increase beer profits
marketing ideas for restaurants
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st. patricks day
tailgate party promotion
tower of beer
tube of beer